
am i an empath.png

Hey friends

I’ve been sitting on this content for weeks. I’ve had a rough time lately for many reasons but writing always serves as a sort of release for me so I thought I’d keep it cute and research some stuff with y'all.

Have you ever walked into a room full of people and felt overwhelmed by the energy? When witnessing someone experience a strong emotion, do you feel it too?
I’ve always been curious as to why I felt so deeply and connected with others. Sometimes with people I don’t know well or at all. I’ve spent some time doing research on what being an empath means and thought we could explore together. Here’s what I found…

An empath is someone who is highly aware of the emotions of those around them, to the point of feeling those emotions themselves. Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally.
— HighlySensitiveRefuge
feel it


/ˈempəTHē/ - noun

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


/ˈempaTH/ - noun

  1. (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

Now that we know a general definition, I’ll share a synopsis of this article I found describing what it *feels* like.

13 Signs You’re an Empath

  1. You take on other peoples’ emotions as your own

  2. Sometimes you experience sudden, overwhelming emotions when you’re in public

  3. The “vibe” of a room matters to you - a lot

  4. You understand where people are coming from

  5. People turn to you for advice

  6. Tragic or violent events on TV can completely incapacitate you

  7. You can’t contain your love of pets, animals, or babies (🥺 das me)

  8. You might feel people’s physical illnesses too - not just their emotions

  9. You can become overwhelmed in intimate relationships

  10. You’re a walking lie detector

  11. You can’t understand why any leader wouldn’t put their teams first

  12. You have a calming effect on other people and the power to heal them

  13. You cannot see someone in pain without wanting to help them

If you read the whole article, it further explains each one.
If this is still aligning with how you feel, keep reading. But also, keep reading anyway. lol

Drawn to water

One of the most interesting things I’ve found is empaths are drawn to water. It’s said that empaths love being in water whether it be rain, pool, beach, or bath. Empaths find water relaxing, cleansing and comforting.

Sidenote: I’ve always *loved* rainy days the most. Rain feels cleansing to me and always makes me feel like my best self.

Being in the presence of, looking at/listening to water has been proven to lower blood pressure. Empath or not, water can be calming for most people in some way.

Sensory Overload

Empaths can be sensitive to smells, noise, etc. and may tend to feel overwhelmed and exhausted after prolonged exposure.

There’s only one empath self-assessment that I found referenced multiple times on the internet.
Let’s take it to see how we score.

Empath Self Assessment


Note: Count YES answers

  1. Have I been labeled as “overly sensitive,” shy, or introverted?

  2. Do I frequently get overwhelmed or anxious?

  3. Do arguments or yelling make me ill?

  4. Do I often feel like I don’t fit in?

  5. Am I drained by crowds and need alone time to revive myself?

  6. Am I over stimulated by noise, odors, or non-stop talkers?

  7. Do I have chemical sensitivities or can’t tolerate scratchy clothes?

  8. Do I prefer taking my own car places so I can leave early if I need to?

  9. Do I overeat to cope with stress?

  10. Am I afraid of becoming suffocated by intimate relationships?

  11. Do I startle easily?

  12. Do I react strongly to caffeine or medications?

  13. Do I have a low pain threshold?

  14. Do I tend to socially isolate?

  15. Do I absorb other people’s stress, emotions, or symptoms?

  16. Am I overwhelmed by multitasking and prefer doing one thing at a time?

  17. Do I replenish myself in nature?

  18. Do I need a long time to recuperate after being with difficult people or energy vampires?

  19. Do I feel better in small cities or the country than large cities?

  20. Do I prefer one-to-one interactions or small groups rather than large gatherings?

To calculate your results:

  • If you answered yes to one to five questions, you’re at least partially an empath.

  • Responding yes to six to ten questions means you have moderate empathic tendencies.

  • Responding yes to eleven to fifteen means you have strong empathic tendencies.

  • Answering yes to more than fifteen questions means that you are a full blown empath.

hi that's me

(edit: just wanted to let y’all know I’ve tried to edit this next section in twice already and it didn’t save. So if you’re reading this, it finally worked lmao. Fix it Jesus)

Cool. Now you know. What do you do with that information?

  1. continue growing in your light of self-awareness

  2. keep in mind this can be a blessing and a curse

  3. protect yourself

How to protect yourself

  1. Set energetic boundaries - using physical boundaries at work or home can help alleviate the chaos in a room. You don’t have to be a spiritual person to use this technique but chances are if you’re an empath you certainly are. Plants, charged healing crystals, tapestry, or a religious item can all serve as physical barriers to surround your space with. Find whatever feels comfortable for you. Think something as simple as putting your headphones in! We all know that trick. Vibe out on these heauxs. lol ok sorry. moving on.

  2. Know yourself and tell others - in relationships, it’s important you know yourself and what you need. In order to feel more fulfilled, loved, and protected, explore what that feels like for you and let your loved ones know. Whether it’s a romantic, familial, or friend relationship, create a safe space with those closest to you. I heard somewhere that finding your voice is finding your power.

  3. *gently shouts* SELF-CARE - Follow what you feel. Emotions, stress, anxiety… they can all physically manifest in the body by way of head and stomach aches, sweating, increased heart rate and shallow breathing. When you feel overstimulated and overwhelmed, take a break. I was taught once to schedule “YOU-time” in your calendar FIRST and let everything else fill in around it. Devote time to yourself every day, week, or month (the more the better). A personal example: I know I don’t enjoy large crowds so if I’m invited somewhere, I’ll either prepare myself mentally to go or I’ll simply decline. Learning how to say no is an art in and of itself but that’s a conversation for another day.

read the room.gif

Here’s a resource on PsychologyToday.com written by Dr. Judith Orloff - “The Empath’s Survival Guide” with a list of articles to better understand what it means to be an empath and how to navigate the world with the ability.

It’s also worth noting that there is such a thing as being a highly sensitive person and that is not the same as being an empath. Here’s more info in this link.

I personally identify with a lot of what it means to be an empath. It’s more than sensing energy and feeling what others feel. It’s not a bad thing. Even though it can get exhausting, if you manage your self-care, being an empath can be really rewarding.

I hope this helped you gain some clarity.

Stay healthy, be safe, and take care of yourself!


Quarantine University Part 2: Emotions